- Counseling Services
- is design to facilitate self-understanding and development through small group relationship so that personal development and decision making skills will be developed, that is based on self understanding and knowledge of the environment.
- It assists the student to understand and accept himself by clarifying his ideas, perceptions, attitudes, and goals.
- Furnishes personal and environmental information to the pupil, as required, regarding his plans, choices, or problems; and seeks to develop the ability to cope, to solve problems, and increase the competence of the students to decision making and planning his/her future.
- Considered as the “heart and soul” of the guidance program
There are different counseling services and these are the;
- individual Counseling
- Group Counseling
- Family Counseling
- Counseling Special Case
- Testing/ Assessment Services
- designed to collect, analyze, and use a variety of objective and subjective personal, psychological, and social data about each pupil.
- It helps individual to better understand herself. Conferences with pupils and parents, standardized test scores, academic records, anecdotal records, personal data forms, case studies and portfolios are included. The school counselor interprets this information to pupils, parents, teachers, administrators, and other professional. Pupils that have special needs are identified.
Test- will be the useful as a guidance tool if combined with appropriate planning for individual development. It provides information in meaningful terms through quantitative description.
The different test that rendered by these service are
· Admission Test
· Intelligence Test
· Individual Intelligence Test
· Group Intelligence Test
· Aptitude Test
· Interest Test
· Personality Test
· Projective Test
· Special Test
- Information Service
- it provides accurate and current information so that the students will make an intelligence choice in an educational program, occupation, or social activity.
- Orientation and information service consists of accumulation and dissemination of information about the different guidance activities , vocational opportunities, and educational information for better adjustment and personal growth.
- Student Inventory Record
- the continuous process of accumulating, recording and utilizing information on each student for guidance and counseling purposes and for obtaining a complete picture of the individual.
- Training/Seminar/Forum
- it helps students discover their innate ability and talents as well as develop their emotional intelligence.
- Placement and Career Services
- it assists the student in selecting and utilizing opportunities within the school and in the outside labor market
- counselor assist students in making appropriate choices of courses of study and in making transitions from one school level to another, one school to another, and from school to employment.
Placement- involves pupil assessment, informational services, and counseling assistance appropriate to the pupil’s choices of school subjects, co-curricular activities, and employment.
Follow-up – is concerned with the development of a systematic plan for maintaining contact with former students.
- Research Services
- it helps bridge the gap that currently exist between theories and practice in counseling, and it will serve as a guideposts for guidance and educational planning. Research was conducted in conjunction with relevant educational studies like students’ delinquency problems, teenage pregnancy, faculty-student relationship and others.
- Career and Life Planning
Career Development Program- is a package of activities designed to develop skills in self- exploration, values clarification, career planning and decision-making, and life goal-setting.
- Freshmen Enhancement Program
- package of activities for freshman design to facilitate adjustment into college life, enhance self-awareness and understanding, and develop the basic skills I coping effectively with rigors of academic life.
It includes:
· study skills development
· psychological testing and evaluation
· time management
· group growth session
- Referral
- special cases which require service beyond the scope or limit of guidance and counseling program, are referred to other agencies.
- Linkages
- it carry out collaborative activities with school and community-based organizations.
- Extension Services
- guidance staff extend themselves by helping others through training, seminars/workshops, o conduct research as they are often invited in occasion needing their skills and knowledge. In most instances, they render the services for free.
- Peer Facilitation
- it is designed to help the staff in the delivery of the guidance services, as well as extension services. On the other hand, practicum students are provided the opportunity for on-the-job experience in the guidance field.